Below you can find answers to various questions that were asked
about the Dyeland characters. Our hopes are that they'll
help anyone who may want to write a Dyeland story, either for
the newsletter or Author's Cut, in the future.
God bless,
These are the questions that
were asked. If you write for a Dyeland character and
have not yet answered or if you would like to edit something
previously submitted, please contact me.
1. What is your character's family history?
2. Where are they originally from?
3. Describe a few of your character's favorite outfits.
4. Does your character have any particular mannerisms
they adopt during certain moods? (i.e. Vincent paces
when upset, Andrew runs his hand through his hair when
5. Why did your character come to Dyeland?
6. What are some of your character's deepest fears?
7. What are their dreams?
8. What are their hobbies?
9. What would an ideal day be like for your character?
10. Does your character have any regrets?
11. If your character were to be completely honest, what
would they say they are most proud of themselves for?
12. And what would they say they were least proud
13. What do they think/know is the biggest
misunderstanding people might have about them?
14. What’s something they would most like to improve
about themselves?
15. What are some of their prized possessions?
16. What’s their best memory thus far of life
in/associated with Dyeland?
17. And the worst?

1. What is your character's family history?
Same as any angel. He is an Angel of Death since the
days of the Salem Witch Hunts of the late 1600’s.
2. Where are they originally from?
Heaven, although he is quite fond of Dyeland.
3. Describe a few of your character's favorite
He loves his beige sweater, but also loves to go casual with
jeans and his AoD band jacket. His suit of choice is a
bit more casual than the look from TBAA. He also still
has his auto repair overalls. Not too many people know
that, but he loves those overalls and wears them when he is
working on Tourkia.
4. Does your character have any particular mannerisms
they adopt during certain moods? (i.e. Vincent paces
when upset, Andrew runs his hand through his hair when
None, but he tends to withdraw from people when he is deeply
concentrated. He gets nervous around Tess and
sometimes stammers.
5. Why did your character come to Dyeland?
Andrew invited him. Said it would be a nice place to
unwind, and he could have his turkeys without having other
angels give him a hard time.
6. What are some of your character's deepest fears?
Perhaps having the turkeys run rampant when he is not home
or Tess showing up there around Thanksgiving making
selections for the celebratory dinner.
7. What are their dreams?
Adam dreams of being successful at case working like he was
before promoted to AoD.
8. What are their hobbies?
Adam enjoys working outside on Tourkia, hosting parties, and
playing music with Andrew and Henry.
9. What would an ideal day be like for your character?
No case, just spending time outside working in the yard.
10. Does your character have any regrets?
11. If your character were to be completely honest,
what would they say they are most proud of themselves for?
He is most proud of himself for standing up to Tess and
protecting Alexander during that Thanksgiving weekend.
12. And what would they say they were least proud of?
Bending the truth about the Thanksgiving turkey incident,
even if it was to protect his feathered friend.
1. What is your character's family history?
God created him, enough said. Several of these will be
quite short as most everyone knows the answers.
2. Where are they originally from?
3. Describe a few of your character's favorite
Apparently his leather jacket, jeans, slacks, flannel shirts
with T-shirts under them, etc.
4. Does your character have any particular mannerisms
they adopt during certain moods? (i.e. Vincent paces
when upset, Andrew runs his hand through his hair when
The hand through hair thing. Looks heavenward when
upset or just contemplative. Touches people's hands or
shoulders when comforting them. Pretty much a
touchy-feely sorta person... if given the chance.
5. Why did your character come to Dyeland?
At some indeterminate time in the past Andrew had been in
Dyeland and noted its beauty and peacefulness. So when
a lil low after some difficult assignments on March 17, 2000
he was walking there in the Glen of Goodness. And he
followed a song he heard to the Fields of Gold and there met
the Dyelanders who he grew quite fond of. So he
6. What are some of your character's deepest fears?
As an angel he probly doesn't want to confess to fears
much. But he does have concerns. He doesn't want
to fail ever. And I think he really is concerned about
the potential of one day having to take one of his human
friends Home after less than ideal circumstances. And
maybe he's a touch nervous about opening up to people.
Maybe more than a touch.
7. What are their dreams?
Continue to serve God, be a good friend, give his
assignments all the love and comfort he can.
8. What are their hobbies?
He seems to enjoy dancing. Building things.
Cooking (now). Playing with Lulu. Visiting with
friends is a big deal to him. Football.
9. What would an ideal day be like for your character?
A day where his only assignments are the "excited to go Home
and reunite with loved ones and see God" type. Ample
time with friends. Being able to sense and feel the
Father's love the whole day, each and every moment.
10. Does your character have any regrets?
There are things he wishes he'd done differently. His
emotional breakdown in Dyeland isn't exactly a high point in
his memory. While he doesn't blame himself for Eben's
fall, I'm sure he wishes he could have done or said more to
stop him.
11. If your character were to be completely honest,
what would they say they are most proud of themselves for?
Serving God and humanity as an AOD. Being a good,
loyal, and compassionate friend.
12. And what would they say they were least proud
His pride. If the whole thing with Adam in "Sign of
the Dove" came up, Andrew would probly apologize for
13. What do they think/know is the biggest
misunderstanding people might have about them?
While Dyeland may have increased his confidence on this
some, I think he'd still be a lil hung up on the whole
people thinking he actually brings/causes death thing.
And the shipper thing.
14. What’s something they would most like to improve
about themselves?
He'd want to keep working on opening up to people when he
needs to.
15. What are some of their prized possessions?
His pocket watch. Anything a friend actually made for
him which at my count at least includes a teddy bear from
Yva, an afghan from Mary, the scrapbooks LJA's made, and
lotsa other stuff I shoulda kept better track of.
16. What’s their best memory thus far of life
in/associated with Dyeland?
He'd probly say he had too many to name. All the
parties. All the times his friends really came through
for him like in Missouri and even further back when he got
knocked out on the soap opera set and they came to be with
him. Although, actually, I wouldn't be surprised if
his favorite memories weren't just low-key, no particular
occasion evenings at the Cafe or elsewhere when the
Dyelanders were all gathered together.
17. And the worst?
Hands down the whole breakdown thing that one
November. Lady Beth's amnesia, LJA's anoxexia, that
time Yva was really sick over Winterfest, and things of that
nature. Eben appearances probly aren't his favorite
1. What is your character's family history?
It's only recently occurred to me that I never gave any
thought to whether she had siblings! At this point it
would be awkward to bring them in so I guess she's an only
child. There's nothing particularly astounding about
her parents. As part of an old storyline it was said
that she was raised by Kiwi's parents. As Kiwi is no
longer active my only nod to that is that at some point baby
JenniAnn was either lost or kidnapped and briefly raised by
them in Dyeland (then Asteriana). As a toddler she
found the portal that led to the Tunnels and was nearly
adopted by Vincent who named her Psyche since her real name
was unknown. Catherine, however, located her real
parents and from then on JA divided her time between her
parents in Nebraska and Vincent in New York. She loves
her parents and them her but I think Vincent, cousin (via
Catherine) and godfather, is the parental figure probly the
most attuned to her life now.
2. Where are they originally from?
Omaha, Nebraska.
3. Describe a few of your character's favorite
I think she just wakes up and wears whatever strikes her
fancy that day. Monday she might stroll around in some
sorta princess dress. Tuesday she could end up in bell
bottoms and a tie dye tunic. The next day could be a
tight fitting T-shirt and a broomstick skirt. In
general very feminine, floaty clothing and usually
colorful. Of course, sometimes she would need to wear
Tunnel garb, especially in the winter when Below. But
it's not really to her taste. Too heavy.
4. Does your character have any particular mannerisms
they adopt during certain moods? (i.e. Vincent paces
when upset, Andrew runs his hand through his hair when
One thing she used to do all the time that I keep meaning to
bring back is whenever Andrew was troubled or she was
troubled about him, she'd twist her signet ring around her
finger. She also paces. And runs when really
upset. Or cleans.
5. Why did your character come to Dyeland?
Despite not being happy with Kiwi and family, she had fond
if faint memories of the land and the other people (i.e.
Cliff, Daisy, the Storyteller, the people of
Idlewild). So when the jokes began about "Dyeland"
among the JABBers, she eventually confessed to knowledge of
the place and thus Asteriana became Dyeland.
I've always been a lil concerned about how the "native
Asterians" felt about that. I concluded that LJA and
Princess Audrey probly spoke with them before moving there
with the JABBers and established that the Asterians were
actually concerned about depopulation so this was a mutually
agreeable plan.
6. What are some of your character's deepest fears?
People leaving. Since she's been in Dyeland since Day
1 she's very aware of how many people have come and
gone. She's also fearful of being psychologically
isolated from Andrew. I don't think she's as concerned
anymore about him simply picking up and leaving. I
think this fear probly ended up being behind her break-up
with Eliot. She felt herself drifting from Andrew and
so Eliot had to go.
7. What are their dreams?
That everyone in Dyeland and the sibling cities live happily
ever after... however they choose to interpret that.
8. What are their hobbies?
Documentary film-making, scrapbooking, enjoying theatre
particularly musicals, catching up with friends, Andrew ;-)
9. What would an ideal day be like for your character?
Wake up, have coffee and breakfast, teach the kids, lunch
Below, go for a walk with Andrew in Dyeland, meet up with
everyone at the Cafe for dinner, walk home with Andrew, fall
asleep easily with Fawn curled up beside her and dream
something happy concerning Andrew.
10. Does your character have any regrets?
Eliot. While she philosophically realizes that without
that relationship she wouldn't have realized how happy she
was before, I think she still regrets dragging him
11. If your character were to be completely honest,
what would they say they are most proud of themselves for?
Helping to pull Dyeland together when she was only 17 or
thereabouts and working with others to keep it going through
all the trouble.
12. And what would they say they were least proud
I think she's aware that sometimes she'll put Andrew above
everyone else and she's not proud of that. But I don't
think she knows how to stop that or even if she
13. What do they think/know is the biggest
misunderstanding people might have about them?
She knows some people don't understand her situation with
Andrew and that can be vexing. But she's probly more
concerned about misunderstandings people might have that she
doesn't know about.
14. What’s something they would most like to improve
about themselves?
LJA would probly like to feel a little less
hypocritical. For all her begging Andrew to be more
emotionally open, she can be really bad about that. So
change both the hypocrisy of that and start actually being
more open!
15. What are some of their prized possessions?
The "Cupid and Psyche" book Vincent used to read to her, her
ring, the daffodil quilt from Andrew, her Halloween spider
music boxes, the cloak Mary made partly out of her baby
blanket, and probly other stuff I shouldn't have forgotten.
16. What’s their best memory thus far of life
in/associated with Dyeland?
Parties and times spent all together but maybe most
especially the Halloween and Christmas parties.
Vincent's and Catherine's wedding.
17. And the worst?
Seeing Andrew get hit by that wacko outside the military
funeral, basically any time anyone left Dyeland or it seemed
like they might, and the times she put others through some
emotional pain they didn't deserve.
1. What is your character's family history?
First, all of this is subject to change if ML gets a 2nd
season that can fill in the blanks. But with out that
my guesswork (and Nicole thought so, too, if memory serves)
is that Mick was an only child. No doubt his parents
are now deceased. We know his dad is and unless his
mom has amazing longevity, she likely is, too. He has
an ex-wife: Coraline. Otherwise it's just Beth and
Josef, his brother of sorts. Barring an act of God,
Mick can't have kids.
2. Where are they originally from?
Los Angeles. Born November 1922 or thereabouts.
3. Describe a few of your character's favorite
Long coats. The latest styles, I guess. Designer
jeans or dark pants. Beige Henleys seem to pop up
often. He seems to layer a lot. Like a light
fabric shirt and then a coat or jacket. Otherwise
mostly dark colors. Platinum Celtic-y fleur de lis
cross necklace. Platinum ring, too. Sunglasses
and hat as necessary.
4. Does your character have any particular mannerisms
they adopt during certain moods? (i.e. Vincent paces
when upset, Andrew runs his hand through his hair when
Hmmm... Has anyone noticed anything? Obviously
he vamps out when really angry. But as for more subtle
things, I dunno.
5. Why did your character come to Dyeland?
He literally dropped into it last... December I think it
was. So it wasn't intentional but he stayed because
the people were accepting. And he thinks it's the
closest he'll get to Heaven for a very long time.
6. What are some of your character's deepest fears?
That he'll hurt Beth once they finally... ya know. And
he's afraid that he'll get hurt emotionally by pursuing that
relationship. Probly not gonna be thrilled if you come
at him with a torch, silver, or a sword-like weapon.
7. What are their dreams?
Make things work with Beth somehow. Make up for the
things he's done that he regrets. Make the best of a
situation he's not really happy with. Find the
8. What are their hobbies?
Apparently reading. We've never seen him do it but he
sure has a lotta books. Cards with Josef.
Starting to get back into guitar playing. Dancing with
and watching Beth eat. ;-) Apparently he also
does RPG online but since nothing much has been said about
that since early on and I just plain don't know much about
"World of Warcraft" we might just let that slide...
9. What would an ideal day be like for your character?
He'd be human again and eating doughnuts and walking in the
sun and spending the night with Beth... not in a
freezer. But barring that I guess that'd be any day
where he feels like his job is worthwhile and ends with a
date with Beth.
10. Does your character have any regrets?
Uh, yeah. While he knows that good has come out of it
(meeting/saving Beth), I'm thinking he wishes he'd not
married Coraline. Also wishes he'd not taken part in
killing that girl right after he'd been sired. I've
latched onto that as Mick's one HUGE regret. It's the
reason for the scholarship he set up for the Tunnel kids,
why he'll do whatever he can for the young ladies of
Dyeland, etc.
11. If your character were to be completely honest,
what would they say they are most proud of themselves for?
Probly getting to the point he has with Beth. I'm sure
there are cases he's immensely proud of.
12. And what would they say they were least proud
Living off other people. Literally.
13. What do they think/know is the biggest
misunderstanding people might have about them?
Probly just the typical vampire stereotypes. I think
the biggest one that Mick would want to tackle would be that
he enjoys or wants to hurt people. I know he'd much
rather eat doughnuts than drink blood!
14. What’s something they would most like to improve
about themselves?
Other than finding a permanent cure and being human
again? Maybe being a little more optimistic.
Working less, enjoying life more. But still doing
something meaningful to give back.
15. What are some of their prized possessions?
Clearly that ring of his and his cross necklace. And
whatever Beth's given him. Like that white gold
engraved pocket watch from two Valentine's ago.
16. What’s their best memory thus far of life
in/associated with Dyeland?
That he was accepted so quickly. I think he's also
been happy with the times he's been able to use his P.I.
skills to help his Dyeland friends. Also visiting with
Vincent and Catherine since that's given him and Beth some
hope in figuring out their secretive relationship.
17. And the worst?
The first few moments in Dyeland when he didn't know where
he was and was afraid he'd get killed or whatnot. And
I imagine the LJA/Andrew fight probly wasn't fun for him
simply because it highlighted a problem he and Beth will
probly face eventually. But I'm gonna guess Sarah's
burial probly ranks as the worst. Just seeing Josef
that torn up.
1. What is your character's family history?
Nigel has always been an angel, but is currently a
2. Where are they originally from?
Heaven, but his other home is 1870’s London, thus is
sometimes not always understanding the issues of the modern
3. Describe a few of your character's favorite
Nigel dresses in a Victorian style, and he loves the
clothing of that time period. He has yet to grow
accustomed to jeans and modern day men’s clothing. He
still is trying to figure out why people are so fascinated
with tool belts.
4. Does your character have any particular mannerisms
they adopt during certain moods? (i.e. Vincent paces
when upset, Andrew runs his hand through his hair when
None that he knows of, although when he gets nervous, he
starts eating hard candies. When exasperated, he
starts talking like an Oxford graduate.
5. Why did your character come to Dyeland?
The young woman he is the guardian angel for resided there
and she invited him to come and visit. He liked it so
much that he stayed.
6. What are some of your character's deepest fears?
Nigel is not afraid of very much, but he is concerned about
not ever understanding the modern day.
7. What are their dreams?
Just to be the most gracious angel that he can be, and to
adapt to the environment of the modern day.
8. What are their hobbies?
Nigel enjoys chess, reading, and dancing. He also
plays a wooden flute and sometimes makes an appearance with
the AoD band.
9. What would an ideal day be like for your character?
A sunny day, when he can spend the time out of doors in the
10. Does your character have any regrets?
11. If your character were to be completely honest,
what would they say they are most proud of themselves for?
For being able to protect Yva and be there for her.
12. And what would they say they were least proud of?
Nigel feels as though he did not always handle the situation
with Andi as well as he could have, so perhaps that.
1. What is your character's family history?
Biological parents unknown, raised by Father. If he
had to name a mother figure it's probly Mary. Likely
considers all the Tunnel dwellers of his age to be surrogate
siblings but Devin is his true brother. Father figure
to many of the Tunnel children. Godfather to
LJA. Brother to Yva and Willy. Husband to
Catherine. Father to Jacob. Very happy with his
family life but, I'm sure, still would like to know from
whence he came.
2. Where are they originally from?
Found behind St. Vincent's Hospital in NYC, raised in the
Tunnels. Beyond that we don't know. I like to
think Ireland but that's just me. ;-)
3. Describe a few of your character's favorite
Tight fitting jeans, bulky sweaters, sometimes a vest, long
black patchwork cloak. For special occasions he wears
a frilly beige shirt. People can look through here for
4. Does your character have any particular mannerisms
they adopt during certain moods? (i.e. Vincent paces
when upset, Andrew runs his hand through his hair when
The pacing. If he gets really upset he will growl and
throw things but never if there's a risk of hurting
someone. I've also noticed that, not unlike Andrew, he
will sometimes look upwards when sad.
5. Why did your character come to Dyeland?
LJA's parents asked him to check in on her circa February
2001. He loved being able to be in the sunlight and so
has maintained a presence there ever since.
6. What are some of your character's deepest fears?
Losing someone he loves. Losing control of himself
although I think this fear has lessened significantly in
recent years to the point of almost having evaporated
Yikes, gotta go. Well, at least it was only ugly for a
few mins. Now it's beautiful outside!
7. What are their dreams?
Help his children to fulfill their dreams. Be a good
leader to the Tunnels, son to Father, husband to Catherine,
father to Jacob, godfather to Psyche, brother to Devin and
Yva and Willy, and friend to all.
8. What are their hobbies?
Lots and lots of reading. Exploring. Spending
time with family and friends. Visiting with
Helpers. Enjoying time in Dyeland, walking in the
sunlight with his family.
9. What would an ideal day be like for your character?
Wake up, sneak a few moments with Catherine before Jacob
wakes up, breakfast as a family, divide time between
teaching and visiting with people and his more physical
labor type work which I think he probly enjoys. Alone
time with Jacob before Catherine gets home from work.
Plays chess with Father during afternoon naptime.
Family dinner. Take in a concert or something with
Catherine (and Jacob sometimes, too). More alone time
with Catherine. Go to bed and not have any troubling
psychic dreams.
He probly makes a point of getting to Dyeland at least once
a week with the weather being fair, most often on weekends.
10. Does your character have any regrets?
Maybe that he didn't get married sooner. Or at least
that he held the relationship with Catherine back for so
long. And that he was stand-offish with Andrew for
quite a while in the beginning of that relationship.
Also any of the anger he felt towards Father during the
start of his relationship with Catherine. Cause via
Portia, Psyche, Brittony and Eliot he probly has sympathy
now for watching your child fall for someone and the
resulting pain when that doesn't work out. But he
doesn't get bogged down with these regrets often.
11. If your character were to be completely honest,
what would they say they are most proud of themselves for?
Getting past his fears and embracing life with
Catherine. The accomplishments of the children he
helped teach and nurture. Building bonds with people
in Dyeland which, no doubt, took a great deal of trust.
12. And what would they say they were least proud
I think he's probly still troubled by the memories of the
people he hurt or killed. Even if he did it in
protection of his loved ones, Vincent was never really at
peace with that and, I think, felt guilt related to it.
13. What do they think/know is the biggest
misunderstanding people might have about them?
I don't think Vincent's particularly concerned about
Dyelanders having misunderstandings about him. With
others it's what you'd expect: that he's a monster, that he
enjoys being violent, that they should fear him, etc.
14. What’s something they would most like to improve
about themselves?
Vincent's always looking to increase his knowledge. I
would say increase his confidence but I think by now that's
probly been dealt with sufficiently.
15. What are some of their prized possessions?
The rose from Catherine, his wedding ring, that carousel
toy, all the books (although they're not exactly possessed
by him specifically), anything any of the kids have made
him, his journals, and everything his mother, Cora, has
given him.
16. What’s their best memory thus far of life
in/associated with Dyeland?
I would say how readily accepted he's been by most
everyone. Having them at his wedding meant a
lot. Of course, the wedding meant a lot, period.
That first Christmas with Jacob.
17. And the worst?
Pretty much all the other down times I've listed for my
other characters (any time anyone was sick, disagreements,
etc.) The most worrisome periods of the Andi
debacle. He's probly also not fond of recalling how
pessimistic/cold he was with Andrew in the early days... but
he came by that honestly (Father).
1. What is your character's family history?
Willy’s mother died when he was young and he was raised
by his father, Wilbur, a rather hard-headed
dentist. He aspired for his son to grow and become
a dentist like him, but that did not happen and Willy,
instead went into confection. His uncle inspired
him to use his name and create a line of candy.
The rest is history, but he has a close friend, Thomas
Wilkenson, as well as his apprentice, Charlie Bucket,
who have become like his extended family. He also
has an adopted daughter, Yva, whom he met when coming to
2. Where are they originally from?
London, although he moved around a great deal. He
does not talk about his original home very much.
3. Describe a few of your character's favorite
Willy goes for the eccentric styles, large bow ties,
waistcoats, vests and shirts. He loves his hat,
which had once belonged to his grandfather, and which
has been copied a number of times so that he could have
his own unique style.
4. Does your character have any particular
mannerisms they adopt during certain moods? (i.e.
Vincent paces when upset, Andrew runs his hand through
his hair when stressed/concerned)
Willy has a temperament and sometimes when he gets
upset, he yells. He is trying to curb this, but it
becomes difficult for him.
5. Why did your character come to Dyeland?
Adam invited him to come and after he did, he met Yva
and the other inhabitants and decided to stay and build
a factory there.
6. What are some of your character's deepest
Hurting the people he loves or feels close to.
This goes back to his feelings about his temperament.
7. What are their dreams?
He has already achieved what he sat out to do, and is
very proud of the things he has done. His dreams
are now centered on those of his daughter, whom he loves
very much.
8. What are their hobbies?
Reading classic literature and linguistics. Willy
is proficient in English, French, German, Spanish, and
9. What would an ideal day be like for your
Ideally, a day when he invents a new confection, or time
spent with those he cares for. He has grown rather
fond of the days he can spend with Yva or Rose as their
company makes him feel young.
10. Does your character have any regrets?
The only regret was getting upset with Charlie the day
they first met.
11. If your character were to be completely
honest, what would they say they are most proud of
themselves for?
Perhaps for following through with his hopes and dreams
of opening a factory, contrary to his father not wanting
12. And what would they say they were least proud
His tendency to be angry about things that he cannot
1. What is your character's family history?
Yva was born Yva Cantrell in 1970 and lived in the
southern USA for a number of years before meeting Sir
Sven Michaels in 1994 and getting married to him a year
later. They moved from the US to Germany and then
settled in Dyeland several years ago. When not in
Dyeland the Michaels family is in Germany. Yva
does not speak much about her birth family because it is
too much like her real life family and that tends to
bring about frustration and stress.
2. Where are they originally from?
Originally Yva hails from Texas, but she lived a time in
Georgia. Today, she is happy to be away from both
those areas.
3. Describe a few of your character's favorite
Yva loves t-shirt dresses, that is shapeless dresses
that she wears during the summer months. She loves
the Victorian look and will wear the dresses of that
time period gladly. In the winter months, she is
fond of dressing in jeans and thick (not wool because it
itches her skin) sweatshirts and sweaters.
4. Does your character have any particular
mannerisms they adopt during certain moods? (i.e.
Vincent paces when upset, Andrew runs his hand through
his hair when stressed/concerned)
Yva tends to bite her nails when nervous, and she says
she has the ugliest hands on the planet. She also
can’t sit still when upset.
5. Why did your character come to Dyeland?
Uncertain. She wanted to come because of what she
had heard about it, but there was no real rock solid
thing that brought her there.
6. What are some of your character's deepest
Yva’s greatest fears are disappointing or letting down
the people she loves. She is also afraid to fail
when she tries to do something.
7. What are their dreams?
Yva aspires to be a writer.
8. What are their hobbies?
Bear making, writing, singing, reading.
9. What would an ideal day be like for your
The morning she would wake up and have breakfast with
Sir Sven. They would in turn spend the day
together. If they could not, then Yva would set
off for Pure Imagination and see if Willy was
there. She would also not mind a day in London
with Nigel to do some shopping during his time, or going
to the Tunnels and visiting with Vincent and
Father. To her there is no defining aspect as to
what she would prefer to do. But, time spent with
friends is at the top of her list.
10. Does your character have any regrets?
No, to Yva she has no reason to regret, because she did
what needed to be done when it needed to happen.
11. If your character were to be completely
honest, what would they say they are most proud of
themselves for?
For having found closure with her father is perhaps the
greatest thing she could imagine about herself.
12. And what would they say they were least proud
Not always having the courage to go for something when
she could have.
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