Meanings Behind the Names

Many of the place names on the Dyeland maps have significance behind them. Here’s some of the big ones. Translations may not be exact. We checked them on websites but didn’t do a bunch of research or anything. After all, it is just a map.  :-)

Eirenikos- Site of St. Andrew’s Hospital. This is from a Greek word meaning “peace.”

Willowveil- Another name for Dyeland City Castle. Taken from Tennyson's "Lady of Shalott."

Clara's Bridge- Named in honor of the archangel from TBAA's "A Joyful Noise." She appeared at the bridge one Christmas. Located in the Whispering Woodlands.

Elysia- Taken from the Greek word Elysium meaning paradise. Dyeland's planetarium in Forever Coast.

The Magician's Island- Home to Cliff, our resident magician, and his wife Daisy. This is a reference to C.S. Lewis’ “Chronicles of Narnia.”

Asteri- West Dyeland. This is from a Greek word meaning “star.”

Ilios- East Dyeland. This is “sun” in Greek.

Tourkia- Adam’s home in Ilios. The Greek word for turkey.

St. Andrew's- Located on Eirenikos. Named after the apostle Andrew, brother of Simon Peter. St. Andrew was believed to have been crucified around the year 60. He is the patron of Russia and Scotland. That being said, we just used it cause it’s angel Andrew’s name also.

Iarweth- Site of the animal hospital. The Elvish word for Chihuahua.

Hara Leah- Bunny’s home in Ilios. Hara is just supposed to be reminiscent of “hare” in honor of Bunny. The Leah part just sounds cool.  :-)

Dulciafare- From a Spanish word for “sweets.”

Serensylvana- Lady JenniAnn’s island home away from Dyeland Castle. A combination of the words serene and sylvan.

La Clytie- Lady JenniAnn’s cottage. In Greco-Roman mythology Clytie was a water nymph in love with Apollo who did not love her in return. We love our unrequited love symbolism. Okay, well one of us does…  :-)

Salome- Located on Ilios it is home to a labyrinth. Hebrew for “peace.”

Daffoldil Den- Location of Lady JenniAnn’s restaurant. According to “The Language of Flowers” these mean "unrequited love."

Idlewild- Located in Ilios. A tribute to the Anne of Green Gables series that Jenni likes so much.  This was one of Anne's homes.  Plus it just seemed fitting for a Ren Faire.

Envoi- Apparently one of the words for "letter" in French.

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