Heavenly Playground

Heavenly Playground is the island home of Yva and Sir Sven, as well as Nigel, the caseworker angel, who is also Yva's guardian angel.  Yva and Sven's house name has been changed to 'Soaring Spirit' which depicts a more spiritual direction for the family but it also encompasses Sven's love of flying.   Yva and Sven are the proud parents of well over 700 teddybears, who have taken up residence with them. 

The church is called Unity, Church of Christianity, and is a new thought philosophy based on the teachings of Charles and Myrtle Filmore when the church was founded in 1889.  Its pyramid shape is the spiritual symbol of completeness, and in this sense, it is the place of worship for Sir Sven and Yva. 
Nigel's house, which is remiscent of his home in Victorian London is called 'Autumn Wind' which symbolizes the time of year when he first visited Dyeland and the love he has for this time of year.  Nigel, being one of Adam's close angelic friends, has helped Yva in the pursuit of showing Adam as the likeable and special angel that he is.

Heavenly Playground is also home to Sir Toby (Nigel's tiger striped cat) and Lady Sarah (Yva's persian cat), as well as Sir Sven's two bunnies: Miss Ellie and Hannibal.

Official flower is Venus' car meaning "fly with me" and the orchid meaning "love, beauty, and magnificance."

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